
Thursday, May 08, 2003


I hope you're ok dude! But, at least you've made me laugh one last time. The only time my ass has ever bled was from the lack of "roughage" so I'd have to sit there and wipe for like 10 minutes, and eventually I'd wipe away some of my skin, thus bringing about a small gush of blood. Anal-Sars? Go get a check-up!


Oh, yeah- forgot that I also saw a Hulk preview that looked pretty sweet. This new Hulk is pretty freaky looking! But there was a rad part where he was twirling a tank around in the air which was cool. Also, I liked when Wolverine was cutting up those special-ops guys- was he that violent in the 1st movie? I know hes ultra-violent in the comix, but he seemed kinda pussed out in XJuan.