
Monday, May 05, 2003

All My Dreams, Realized!

So Enoto and I finally had it out with our own civil war, I, fighting to force the South to return to my wing and rejoin the Union, Enoto, fighting to keep his way of life free from unwanted economic sanctions. We fought out the GenCon Campaign Pamphlet: The (insert forgotten generals name here) Campaign. One much needed and enjoyable addition to the game was our use of casualty counters. I would HIGHLY suggest Enron and Jael (and even Motorbykes Womans and her roommate's games) use these counters, we just used black and red glass counter, a la Magic the Gathering Tapping counters. When the battles were over, it was quite imressive to look at the mounts of bodies all over the place.

Anyhoo, there were three battles. Enoto trounced me during the first with his unrelenting push of assault cards up the middle, while I could onle whimper and attempt mild responses with skirmishes from the flanks; final score 5 - 1, Confederates (there were special victory guidelines). The second battle proved more pitched and left the battlefield just absolutely littered with casualty counters, I BARELY eeked out a victory with a failed finishing move of Enoto's that left him open and required me to have the perfect card to reply, which I did; final score 6 - 5 Union. The final battle had the Union down by a cumulative score of -3 and required me to win the battle with a 6-2 victory to win, and a 6 - 3 to pull even and call the day a draw. As it ends up, Enoto FINALLY had a few bad rolls and some bad card draws that allowed my adequate cards and rolls to pull out the 6 - 3 victory, making the day of massive casualties a practice in futility because no one ended up winning, but does anyone really win when it comes to war?

Also, Oon played War-Cry with me, the Warhammer Fantasy Battle CCG, and had fun! It was a fun game! Also, some Cribbage, some Pacifico, and a huge meal cooked by Leslie had something to do with the evening... all in all, a great day.