
Saturday, May 31, 2003

Al Franken vs Bill O'Reilly

It's gonna be on C-SPan2 in a few minutes (it was on early today) and they're repeating it:


He's such an idiot (O'Reilly) but I guess Al Franken (Stuart Smalley!) really slams it to him- should be good- go go go !
UPDATE: omg, Al Franken is SO fuckin awesome- he just went off on Bill OReilly while he was sitting right next to him (in a funny way) and OReilly started freakin out yelling SHUT UP YOU IDIOT- omg, so funny.

ELROCKISMAD: No disrespect to your dead minatures, honestly. You said you didn't want anyone to comment on it, then everyone did, so I thought I'd throw in my 1/2 cent- sorry my blog post offended you.