
Monday, May 26, 2003

Additions to Kublacon

- Jael's hospitality at his apartment in letting me sleep in his livingroom and then eating lunch at a place he HATES just so I'd be happy! Wow, what a warm fuzzy feeling...
- The power failure at the hotel which left the miniatures room in pitch darkness, followed by excited yelling by nerdy gamers until the lights returned. Later, when the PA announce began to speak, the room became silent until the PA guy mispoke and said, "the power has returned to normal, please be alarmed. I mean, do not be alarmed". Of course, this was followed by mock panic sounds from the room.
- Choice Call of Cthulhu quote overheard:

Player 1: I shoot it.
GM: You shoot it?
Player 2: What are you shooting?
Player 1: You, or whatever just bit you!
(This was followed by a brief moment of reflection by Enron and I and how we miss CoC.)

- I forgot about the enormous D20's we got! Any word on the Nyarlathotep? Did you forget you turd?