
Sunday, May 18, 2003

4-0 sweet sweet peking ducks

I'm not much of no Hockey' fan, sir... but to knock out the defendn' champs, and then to sweep the next team dey play seems purty good to me. Is it really fluke, or maybe theys got some mad skillz with them hokey sticks...

Thanks for the tips on the flockerin', guess from what I'm hearin from you guys, there's no real secret. The hardest part i'm struggling with is to make it look good. I've got tons of studying left to do, i'm hoping that by next week, I'll have at least the germans armed and ready for hand-to-hand combat. Prepare for humanitys darkest hour...

What about lil rudy? I was trying to convince him that he could stay with us. Grey hound sounds like a decent plan, hoping the bus doesn't breakdown or something. Wouldn't want to relive Aaron's fun experience. But if you still plan to come by thursday, I'm sure either Aron or myself can host you up for the night unless you already have plans with the misses. The only part that sucks is driving 5 hours alone.
