
Saturday, April 12, 2003

Sweet Sweet Crime... Mmmmmm, Crime..

Johnny that is a brilliant observation. You may be right. I always thought Reggie Miller was part Ferengi. I guess he is ot quite as far along in the evolutionary progression as Cassell. Jon that sucks balls about the sciatic nerve. disorders in the nervous system are so frustrating.

In other news my car has been assulted yet again. Elric'n'stein, I feel your vein, pain... I mean pain. This time by some person that thought my backpack was a must have item. I always make a point of putting my bag in the trunk if I leave it in the car. Well I was in a descent area during the day time with lots of people milling about. Some jerk broke out the RR window of the car for my bag consisting of my jacket, my check books, two of my CC bills, my calulator and other misc. items. So suck for me. No more cold weather jacket, backpack, I had to close my bank accounts and my credit cards, and I am out the 375 dollars it took to replace the window. Add in the fact that I had purchase new checks for my accts, and it comes to a smooth 400 dollars. Goodbye refund check. To top it all off, It rained like mad while I was dropping my car off at the shop and I got soaked while taking public tranny around to take care of my accounts.

This brings the toll up to $8000 for the accident (Paid for by the insurance co. sans $500), $375 for the window, $4000 for the transmission (Paid for by Honda, although they shouldn't have), $25 for a new Honda Emblem that was ganked, all since Nov 1st. None of this includes routine maintenance.

Chopper Suck Mufflers.