
Saturday, April 12, 2003

live from the sciatic nerve

Just because I haven't yet done physical therapy for all of my limbs yet, now I'm having problem with the sciatic nerve in my left side. It's basically a back problem, but I feel the pain in my left butt cheek, left nut, inner left thigh, down to the knee. You can imagine that this makes me a jolly man, especially considering that it hurts worst when I'm sitting down, and I'm always sitting down.

law of the west

Oh man, that game was great. Somethingawful is a mixed bag, but their hentai reviews are always good. Speaking of which (sorta)... have any of you guys seen the anime, Ninja Scroll? Enron, that's not the one you have, is it? White Wolf told me to watch it (in the Exalted rulebook) so I rented it like a good goth, but there's nudity and stuff in it! Oh no! It's pretty cool though. Lots of people getting chopped in half, having their limbs ripped off by a giant who then drinks the blood, etc.. Next up: Jackie Chan's Legend of Drunken Master. I expect comparable gore.

sekrit projekt

Sure, I'm in on that action. Maybe I can write an ode to (sekrit topic) lost, since I cannot (consume) (sekrit topic) anymore. Damn you, dyspepsia!