
Monday, April 28, 2003

It Only Took 3 Years

...and countless mentions, descriptions and rave reviews for Jon to play and enjoy Battle Cry. Now my motivation to finish the miniatures version is complete. I shall make it so by tomorrow. Tee hee.. But on a kinder, gentler note, I would love to play Battle Cry with you any night of the week Jon, just give me a hollar and we'll strap on our beards and start amputatin' legs with rusty handsaws!

- Anyhoo, not a big surprise about Kublacon, but I am still in! And I think (P)Denis is still in too! Though I have not spoken with him in quite a while.

- Went to Vegas with R Dub this weekend. Discovered Baccarat. Ruled it. Came home winners. Try it here! There is no skill involved in the card play as it is all automatic, but there is skill involved with your betting. Outside of that it is all about feeling, vibe, and instinct. It rules. Also saw lots of big boobs and numerous Goths that were attending a convention (Convergence 9).

- Jael and Enron playing fun miniatures games without me!?!? How dare you! Oh yeah, I don't live anywhere near yooz guys anymore and no one here plays miniatures games... *hurrumph*

- Riding bikes is awesome! An old friend (Zak Langley) bought a Target special 10-speed, and had that thing for years. It survived various spray paintings, one car accident, countless nights in the rain, and at least 5 bike accidents (at least two of them with me). It finally broke after a particulary nasty off-roading crash, and we laid it to rest in a dumpster. Good bike, I hope you have the same luck with yours Rude.

- (To Mike and a less extent Enron and Jael) There is a new Warhammer CCG that seems pretty fun. It somewhat emulates unit combat, and has all the spiky bits of both card games, and WHFB. It's called War-Cry, and is kinda fun (by myself anyway). Neither of you will take the time to a)read this, b) click on the link, or c) ever buy or try the game, but I still thought I should throw it out there.

- I miss Blood Bowl. And games. I am free this sunday FOR SURE to play D&D or whatever.