
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Initial Impressions, the second day

Okay, so marketing is not as important in Texas as it is in LA, who would ever eat at a place caled "Uncle Whiskers Catfish Buffet" in Los Angeles. No one. Maybe Mike Anderson, cause he won't Blog. Here is what lives up to what I expected:
- Lots of trucks
- flat
- hot
- cowboy hats

What I didn't expect:

- The Texans LOVE for McDonalds. There are McD's every 2 miles and they are ENORMOUS and really nice on the inside. One I passed on the freeway looked like a huge happy meal.
- Lots of copses of woods along the highway, and lots of greenery. I've been told I am seeing Texas at the right time, cause as soon as it gets any hotter, it all turns brown.
- Not as many accents as you would think.
- Porn Places, Adult Megastores, and Japanese Massage/Jaccuzzi Parlors abound.

More later, I have to work now.