
Thursday, April 17, 2003


War sucks balls. That was some smooth reporting. Hmmm, how does the poor boy feel? I mean, what the F%&K? Why would you ask a question like that. Jack ass!

Yeah with the cultural/historical losses that have been seen in this war, it is a wonder anything survived WWII. We did lose a lot of irreplaceable items. I still remember watching The World at War at MotorBykes place for the first time. We were over for the swim/BBQ in Santa Monica and you and Carrie (SP?) were chatting about all the lost art/arch/history during one particular seige on a building in Italy. D'oh. Carrie had a look of pain in her eyes. From what I understand a lot of history from her era of studies was lost in that seige.

Anyway I have to motor to work. Sweet, sweet work.

Yo Joe