
Tuesday, March 25, 2003

"When it comes to having your head blown off by enemy fire, America is truly colorblind."

OK, anybody who hasn't checked out this week's The Onion, do yourself a favor! Operation Piss Off the Planet, indeed. In-deed. INNNN DEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDJLDFSOJIFDSOIJFDSOij

Ryan. Sorry about your grandma. And I'm sorry you have to go into the hell that is bitter family infighting. That fucking sucks. You hear me? Fuck. Ing. Sucks. At least it's your uncle, so you don't have to get directly involved... when my great-grandparents passed on 15 years ago there was all kinds of bitter infighting with permanent fallout amongst the older relatives. It's pretty lame.

Hey Jaelbait: the version of BattleBlech we played was the miniatures version, not the clicky version, which I haven't played yet but really want to because it's GOTTA be better than that. I'm also reading the Crimson Skies rules. And I bought a starter for Warmachines, a new steampunk/fantasy minis game. Ah yes, I'm in a mini phase right now I guess.

PS I probably would have never made that BattleBlech joke if I hadn't lived with Aaron for 2 years.