
Thursday, March 13, 2003

werk sux

So, today I decided I had better things to do than watch Dark Angel for 8 hours, so I took French leave. (That's a total old-school Steven King reference! I think it means, going AWOL.) Anyway, one thing I did with my fine time was sit my ass down at Krispy Kreme and put in some time editing a story. While I was doing so, I saw a homeless guy outside ranting and raving at passer-by. He was wearing a shirt that said, "I (HEART) DATABASES." That was pretty cool.

Random anecdote: yesterday I was entertaining my friend Nick at work by pretending to masturbate by punching myself in my imaginary clitoris. Right as I was doing so, a woman who I work for and don't know very well walked into the room. Nick didn't even see me do it! So, that sucked.

I like the new look of the blog (cool picture!) except there's one problem... having the text at the bottom of the screen friggin' kills my neck. See, I use a laptop, and with the text at the bottom I have to arc my neck down and squint to read. Reading text at the bottom of an angled screen is less comfortable than reading it at the top. Ouch! But, who cares about old Oon?

Anyway, I agree with you guys about Bush sucking and all that, so, er, keep at it.