
Friday, March 21, 2003

There's a new...

Get Your War On strip out thats pretty funny: CLick.

I know what you're saying Enron- I think violence and destruction of public property is kind of the pits, but I don't think because you're in SF people shouldn't protest. We know Bush and his regime are gonna do whatever the fuck they want- comeon, MILLIONS of people have said NO to this war and these retards just don't care. They're more concerned with telling the Iraqis "Don't burn your oil fields- it will be considered war crimes." Fucking idiots. But, I think a lot of people feel like the need to do *something* to show thier opposition to this crap- if there hadn't been this huge anti-war movement in the first place, this war would have started months ago! We're at a point where civil disobedience is a lot more effective than just standing on the sidewalk holding signs- I know theres probably a lot of americans who honestly dont give a shit about whats going on in their name, but dude, theres also a lot of people who find this shit horrific and feel like they need to do something.

Bah, i don't know. Leave earlier for work. :)