
Monday, March 24, 2003

Important BB Update

- The elusive Skaven have surfaced! They were residing in the Battletech box! Just goes to show how much we have played Battletech since the last GenCon, eh? So now I have them. And they need some paint stripped, they have been scratched all to hell in their previous "home" and the Rat Ogre has like two layers of Testors Grey Enamel on it. Yecch.... I'm so excited!

- We played Battletech on Sunday with Peter and his roommate, Chris. Until I play that game in a scenario setting, it shall remain in my memory as a game that consists of "Move, shoot, take damage, move, shoot, take damage, overheat, move, shoot, etc......". BUT, after the game I got both Peter and Chris to play each other at Blood Bowl, and they had fun! They want to play again! I sent them the Java game and they want to play it! Hooray for BB!!!!!