
Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I am totally pissed off. I just got this NoFX CD demo thinggy for their new record which comes out in May. It has 3 of the new songs from the record on it and they totally suck. Then, the last song is a "teaser" for the rest of the songs on the record. They play about 8 seconds of about 5 or 6 songs and they totally rule. Thus, I am conflicted, but pissed off about my purchase.

In sad/frustrating news, my grandmother passed away after a battle with pneumonia (sp?) and stroke symptoms. My uncle (my mom's brother) has hit a new low. He wants to meet with the atorney and the rest of the siblings to hash out the will and his inheritance THE DAY OF THE FUCKING FUNERAL. I cannot believe I am related to that piece of shit. I cannot wait for the funeral so that I can actively ignore those people. They do not deserve a dime, but rather deserve a 2-by-4 to the skull.

In still other news, the swim team that I coach (10 years old and under) got FIRST PLACE at the championship swim meet last weekend. Horray for them. I got pushed in the pool.