
Tuesday, March 18, 2003

here's pinapple!

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kinda looks like jughead, but it's a rough drawing. I'll work on the outlay of the face later.

We really have to talk about these brilliant self help schemes that your bazzilionair bosses has come up with and get in on some of this action... does it require making some home videos about how I made 2500 dollars in less than 15 minutes? I'm down with that. I'm Joh Nee... and I teech u How to make mOn nee! for da Hon nee's!
in less than 25 minutes, you will instantly CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Don't sit around at home, do something about it! Jon eeetersene, a single virile male of 25, has proven to use my program to make himself wealthy.

Joh nee: "so did you use my money making program?"
Jon: "I sure did. And Joh nee, I want to thank you for changing my life.
Joh nee: " no problem, tell us how much did you make in your first transaction. "
Jon: "It sounds crazy, but I made over 2500 dollars in the first deal that I made, AND it took me less than 15 minutes"
Joh nee: " Wow! that's great"
Jon: (smiling) "And I sure don't have to worry about the Hon-eees!"
Both: (laughing)

I'm just kidding Elrock. I'm darn interested in hearing out the rest of the details. We'll talk.

PBI update: Almost done with the miniatures, time to do the basing. Then it's shopping for scenery.
