
Thursday, March 20, 2003


Okay I know Bush is an as*hole. I know this war business sucks ballz. BUT! and I mean BUT, I do not like having to deal with half the friggin' streets of SF blockaded by aggressive and beligerent hippies who have nothing better to do on a thursday morning. I was lucky and got to work on time, but most everyone else didnt. Less people=more work for me. More traffic delays=grouchy co-workers. My route seemed to skirt all the fun, plus I took the underground. Besides all this, bush does not give a crap about SF based protesting. All he is going to say is, they are a bunch a liberals anyway. If they want progress, get the bible belt to protest. Then he might listen. That being said, onward!

Elrock, I applaud your convictions on Real Network tripe. I hate that software. Everytime I have dealt with it, the bloatware violently engages itself into my system like a tick and buries its taint deep within the core of my registry, never to be cleared cleanly. I will not use it either. It has been my stance for several years and I will not come off of my stance until they make that software useable, stable, and clean.

Off of the soapbox... On to dinner. Congrats Ja -el.
