
Monday, March 10, 2003


Yeah I do not know about most of the listings on there. Some serious wierdos. On the otherhand some of them are not bad. There have been a few I have passed on that I wish I had persued. A few D&D ones. I would say the signal to noise ratio is 1:8. Not too hot, but then again you are only looking for a few ads. Dating.. Ehhh, I wouldn't recommend it off craigslist. It just seems like it would be frought with all sorts of mines. Stick with the other resources.

Johnny I have no idea how well those little mini DVD players sell. Personally if I were in the market for one I would buy a laptop. They are expensive enough that I can not justify just the DVD option, without at least some lowend laptop hardware. But thatis just me and I may not be a good represntation of the target market.

That Blind Date show is pure pain. In fact all those damn reality show give me gas. I never liked "The Real World" and I do not like the next generation of them.

Man one beer anymore and I am toast. Alright I am Audi, before you monkeys start harshing my buzz.