
Thursday, March 27, 2003

bone-us: THIS blog and THIS other one rule! That is all. OH, also, this weekend: lemme know if anyone is doing any kind of gaming- i want teh ball!

The Internet TRAY-SHER Chest

So, I'm watching this infomercial right now for "The Internet Treasure Chest." Eh- I dunno... my no-job-having-ass feels like its getting duped by this silly thing. Here's the deal: For $60 you get THE INTERNET TREASURE CHEST! and what they're whole deal is: you get some kind of treasure map. Whatever- THEN they're like some wierd warehouse of stupid cheap trinkets (you know, tacky jewelry, bikes, toys, telescopes) and they set you up with a website and a "business"- (and they put your site on the "top 25 search engines"- ??? ain't it mostly just google now anyways.) So yeah- you make your businesses site with their templates (looks pretty bad in the commercial) and then when customers order on your site (and its all credit card ready from the go), whatever trinkets they buy ship from THE INTERNT TRESYURE CHESTS warehouse. Whew. So, you see the *scam* (Not that its any kind of scam, but you know what I mean- it just looks CHEESY as hell.) The *customers* on the commercial were so bad too- I mean, you know how there are signs when someone is lying (like twitches or wobbly eyes)- I swear to god, everyone of of the people who were all "I'm making up to 30 grand a month" look like the biggest liars. I don't know. This is like one of those times I wish infomercial's were truthful. :( so sad...

Added: and then I find this.