
Tuesday, February 18, 2003


This is the best and most enjoyable reason for not going into Iraq.

Also, I think we could avoid the Iraq problem if we would never be involved with such shitty foreign policy. The US does not always need to be number one. It is not our job and duty to force our way of life on other countries that are completely of a different mindset, both religiously, politically, economically, etc. It is also a terrible idea to let corporate financial needs dictate what our government does politically and militarily, worldwide. To answer your question Johnny, I don't think we should have ever been in this situation in the first place. Ponder this: Who gave the Middle-East much of their weapons to fight the Soviets (when they were there), and are inturn, being used against us now?

I am seriously considering moving to Canada in the future. They have their internal problems, but their economy is no worse than ours and they are also not hated by the entire planet for being arrogant bullies who feel they have a right to run the planet.

Also, if the US doesn't steal all the hockey teams in Canada, I can watch hockey there too.

Okay seriously guys, quit spouting off about your political views... seriously.

I like Blood Bowl. And Jon's new game Scarab Lords. It was lots of fun! I want to play it again!