
Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Delete Yourself

I think that the only solution is a tactical nuke the White House and wherever they're keeping Cheney. Nukes are bad shit. Didn't the Cold War teach us anything? There was the show on here the other day making fun of Bush and the war mongery -- I didn't see much of it, but at the end they took a quote from the State of the Union Address saying something about how for decades small men have used military might to terrorize other countries. Bush was talking about Iraq, but let's face it, he could have been talking about the U.S. Is is true that the Congress has given their backing? I got an email the other day that said that had happened, but I couldn't find anything online about it. America is going to hell in a handbasket. What frightens me most is that increasingly, it is becoming clear that terrorist 'cells' are located all over Britain, American etc. and just imagine what they'll unlease if the US were to commit nuclear atrocities.

On the Segway front, I think it's unlikely that I will own one within three years. A comment made on a funny programme here about them said that the press release when they were first put on the market was. 'The Segway for people who need something not quite as fast as a car, but faster than walking' -- and who have presumbably never heard of a bicycle! What's even better about them here, is that they won't be legal to drive on the road since they're not motor vehicles, and they won't be allowed on the pavement either - so they'll only be useful at home.