
Sunday, February 02, 2003

Bloggus Maximus

Sorry for the lack of blogging guys...it's been crazy around here. Firstly, let me say that I will miss poor old tall person hating Vanessa -- I'm not sure that she ever loved me, but I thought that she was great. Sorry for your loss Jon, it really sucks. (I know this sentiment has already been expressed by everyone, but I feel the same way too.) Its now time to focus on the good life that she had, and the numerous albeit sometimes tall, friends that she made.

As for the Peter Pig mini's that sounds like a great project Eric, I'm proud of you. I wish I could do cool projects like that, but ohhh, the time! Still, let's face it, who here would play me at Battle Cry? On the other hand, Andrew and I move closer and closer to purchasing Blood Bowl -- the only thing that is holding me off is that we don't really want another human team -- orcs would be ok, but what I really want to play is skaven. I suppose we'll have to call them the SkavenBlight Raiders, since LA seems to have lost them too! How can a whole football team go AWOL -- I blame Nagash personally.

In other news, it snowed here here the other day -- more snow than I can remember in England since I was about 3 so it was quite significant -- would have been nice prior to Christmas, but never mind. It was really amazing, and since southern England doesn't really get that much snow, everything shut down, traffic slowed to a standstill (it took some people 15 hours to get home that night) and everyone was slipping over on the ice. Here's a picture - probably doesn't seem like much snow by say, Colorado standards, but it was cool for us.

I'm jealous of the Beach Hut breakfast! Rudy and Eric have fun, erg! I want good food too! Crap British food!