
Monday, February 24, 2003

Beware the h4x0rz!!!!

So apparently, Mr. Mannings linked directly to some h4x0rz website to post the amusing gas prices picture and now s/he is mad at us. Yikes! So far, s/he has only threatened to report a cable modem to someone, not sure who, and today the message (posted as an image file) was written in RED and s/he used swearing words. I was checking the h4x0rz site out to see if there was a contact to discuss these matters with, but there was none, so until we get some civil interaction going I'll link to the scary image for awhile and copy the funny image here too.

Last night was great, the h4x0rz posted words to the effect of "I log all IP's that look at my site. Some kids never learn. I know who you are!" h4x0rz also posted some IP's.Then I went back again and I got the "idiot of the week" award and h4x0rz posted my IP again. Funny stuff.

Check out the h4x0rz messages to us!

Geez, I thought the h4x0rz would just be happy s/he was generating ANY interest in the cool "racing team" website that was up.