
Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Thoughts v1.1

- Get some Action Team Merch!!!!!! The prices are as cheap as they can get, don't worry, I make no profit! The shirt is sweet, the mug is even better. The design is a bit small, but that's why its v1.0! I'm trying to make a slightly larger one soon.

- Johnny: I have the entire MCSE series on a CD series called CBT Nuggets. THese are EXTREMELY HELPFUL and very, very well done. You will learn A LOT from these things. I also have all the books and a grip of practice tests (if I can find them). Not to mention A+ and Network+ crap too. Perhaps next time you are in town we can do a little trading - my CD's for your sweet lovin'..... I didn't know you were going for your MCSE, kewl! Actually on second read, you are just going for your server? Learn Pro first (210) and then move to server (215). It helped me. Try Server+ too, lots of server specific crap (temperatures, elevations, RAID, etc.

- When work slows down, I am also working on that network Bloodbowl CD for you mike. I'll burn two, one for Andrew, and the four of us can have a smashing time playing BB over the net. Actually since the program operates on port 8080, and you would have to open that port in your router, I think we couldn't actually play each other, unless we used some other port thats open.... hmmm, still, I don't think so, not with Cambridge in the way. Boo hiss, worth a shot sometime though!