
Thursday, January 16, 2003

Thoughts v1.2

- Sorry about Blogger Rudy, that happened to me before too, I think it has happened to all of us actually. I didn't get any info about Blogger Pro, but after I published, the screen just sort of reset and lost all my post. Pissed me off, but it's still rare, so I have not complained, and we are using this for service for free, so I don't think that they would listen to me anyway....

- I think we need a v1.9.2 to The Action Team. Using JDP Corp as an inspiration, I'd like to add a gaming section. I know, there will be nothing to post, but I thought it would be neat to post all of those strategy articles that Jael sent via email all those moons ago. Perhaps some images from games, some of JDP Corp rules, etc. We could even set up another (!) blogger that will update the "Rules Chat" section of the page, I don't know, what do yooz guys think?

- Jael: I think school is good. I dropped too much money and time on my school, but it was also a great experience and I became very familiar with the crap we were learning, because I worked with it every day. But seriously, watch and use the CBT nuggets whenever you get them from me, they are INVALUABLE. And make sure you get some practice tests (brain-dumps), they are great at getting you familiar with what to expect on the test as far as the style of the questions. We'll talk.

- Yay for merchandise orders! I'm rich! Er, wait, I mean I don't make any money off the merch....

- Hooray/Screw J.K Rowlings for FINALLY kinda, sorta releasing the new HP book.... lagger.... milker of markets.... super-rich beeyatch....