
Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Nice work Robert

OK, we'll see if blogger even lets me post this. For the last three weeks, whenever I hit "Post & Publish" it pops up a login window asking me to login to my ftp server, giving me some weird login name and asking for a password. I have no idea what it wants, so I always just hit OK. 80% of the time it then proceeds to erase my blog. The other 20%, mysteriously, my blog is published even though it still reports that the login failed. That is great.

Anyway, I just made a happy discovery that absolutely nobody will care about! Ever since I was in, uh, fifth grade I've been into this really cheesy fantasy adventure series called the "Myth" books by Robert Asprin. Not much happens in them, they're pretty silly, but I have a soft spot for them. I dunno. Anyway, books 1-8 came out by the time I was in 7th grade. Book 9 came out in 10th grade. Book 10 came out in my junior year of college, and it ended in a cliffhanger! Literally every time I go to the bookstore, for the last FIVE YEARS, I've gone to the sci-fi section and check to see if anything new is out by this guy. NEVAR! But then on Sunday I go to the bookstore, check the section, and IT'S THERE!

So it cost me fourteen bucks, took me like 6 hours to read it (these books are only like 175 pages long), and wasn't even that great. BUT IT CAME OUT! NEVER FORGET, DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!!!!!