
Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Microserfs is the Best

It is one of my most re-read books in my vast collection of crap. Its just a great read. There is an okay story, amusing characters, familiar locations, common interests and events, and some unique writing thrown in there for dessert. I like it.

Blood Bowl is the Best

Mike and Denis played TWO games of BB BACK TO BACK this past weekend while I sat and painted another BB team (Dwarfs) to add to the masses of painted teams I have been hoarding over the years. And to boot, I have discovered a terrific BB Applet that allows online and email play, using your own teams, and images if you wish, that does all the dice and crap for you. Amazamazing. I shall post the link at a later date, as well as burn all necessary files on a disk to distribute to start our own league! Right guys! Yeah, Blood Bowl!

Kublaicon is the Best

I am in. I just need to sit down and seriously think about things first: time, money, etc. And since there will be no GenCon this year for me, it will be my once a year travelling con!

Football is the Best

See you next year Mike! Not enough hangin' out, but then again, there never is. Find the Skaven, and we shall keep in touch better this year, eh?