
Thursday, January 16, 2003

Dead Gamers...boo!

Wow, that's sad that Mo-bitch and her husband died. I agree that the Cons will never be the same, and we'll miss them. (If we count the Wall, that's three that we 'knew' who have gone -- our time is coming too one day.) Do we know the cause of death? (Other than the clean living healthy lifestyle of full-time gamers of course!) I support the idea of a libation to the dead, after all, we know that the underworld is a dry, bleak place, and the dead really could do with some warm, nutritiant bearing fluids -- this is why they generally prefer blood to grease or mayo which really aren't that nutritious, or warm. Perhaps we should create a little memorial shrine in the Westin for them, and then soak the alter with sacrificed animal blood? Sounds like a wholesome, family event, bound to pull us together in times of trouble, non?

In other news, J. K. Rowling has finally submitted her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix it will be released on June 21st! Whoohoo!

In other other news, there have been no biological or chemical terrorist attacks in England yet, but just you wait, I've got a bad feeling about this one...
