
Friday, January 03, 2003

blogensmorf %$#@$%A!!#@

Anyhoo, like i was saying, it's seems to be a lot cheaper to pre reg for the Khan of Cons, like 10 bucks less, so if any of you feels like pre-regging, might want to consider. Think May would be a better date since chances are, we'll be attending the Orccon in February ASSUMING anyone goes at all. I certainly hope so. I will definitely attend if someone else goes....................

DATES: Friday, May 23rd / Reg opens 1pm
Sat, Sun, Mon*, May 24th, 25th, 26th
Reg opens 9am
REGISTRATION: $25 thru Feb. 20, $30 thru April 15
$35 thru May 15, $40 thereafter/door
One day passes are $25 at the door only.
Parents, get $10 off our 4-day admission
pass with your fully paid child.
Monday only passes are $15.

It would be awesome to have some new merchandise (good idea oric) but can we get it in time for the next con? I never got that cool shirt with all the Convention Characters JP drew. We should do a 2003 reprint of that classy shirt.
