
Saturday, December 21, 2002

Long Live The Queen!

Hey, welcome back mike! How was blood bowl? Honestly, I think its an OK game- i just gotta be in the mood (or be "prepared") - If Im in video-game mode, its real hard for me to down-shift for some blood bowl hell. Hey Eric: Just thought you were trying to avoid me! Sorry dude! I was afraid to email you again or call! I'll be at my folks house on sunday if you've got a little free time- email me!. Jon- yeah, loving the flash movie- keep it up. Jael: You're my true dog. RUFF! I'm pretty much healthy now- little bit of gunk in teh fhroat, but thats all! Well- let me know when to hang out!

Friday, December 20, 2002

Return of the King

Er... or not! Ok, ok, ok, I'm lame, I suck, I'm gay, I'm a re-tard, I know I know I KNOW! Sorry for the lack of contact over the last couple of months, and for not managing to get in touch since I've been back. I could give lots of excuses like how much the term has sucked or whatever, but as I know they will only inspire further derision, I'll save the the bytes, and just apologize, and hope that you all still kinda love me at least, and that I get to see some or all of you over the next couple of weeks and spend a lot of time together making up for lost communication. Oh, and sorry Eric, I discovered that I changed my login and password to one of my standard fall backs, so you won't be able to add a message from me... or WILL you?

I'm totally there for Blood Bowl, so hopefully others will come too. Other than that, we should go out for a few drinks or something soon. This is, of course, assuming that I haven't hung myself in the Venetian blind pulls by this evening due to the onslaught of hate emails and blogs that are coming my way! But even if that happens, you should get together and hold a seance, conjure my freshly departed spirit and contain it in an old Ragu sauce jar or something. Then, I'll be able to always be there for conventions and gamer fun! See you all soon (I hope!)

Some Thoughts

- Perhaps Mike went back to the UK already? He called me the first day, and I was at work til late, then went to the gym and didn't call him until the next day. I got his mom on the phone and she said that he would be back the following afternoon. So I called then and left a message with lots of Mmmmmmike's, and yeah, is this, uh, Mmike?! Haven't heard from him since. I think he is here for Christmas, though maybe he just decide to give up and leave already.....

- Denis and (Mike) and I are hopefully playing Blood Bowl tonight (friday), if anyone else wants to come along, heh heh.

- Rudy: Sorry about last week, I honestly did not check my email until yesterday for the past week. I have been so busy and tired from work, sorry. Maybe Sunday?

- At an installation in Marina del Rey yesterday, I saw the bass player from the Monkees, I think his name was Mike Nesmith. Whatever. He was with what looked like a 23 year old. Hopefully, for his sake, not just his daughter...

- I like most of 2Towers. More on that later. Back to work.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Mickey D's Hack N Slash Franchise

Hey yall! Jon Oetersen beat me to the punch on the Rings Kings, so I'm just going to add to his review. Overall it was a good movie! It's not surprising that Mr. Oeteropers agrees with me on this movie just because D&D seems to be our mutual nerdy curse. So perhaps this is one of the few exceptions.

Anyhow moving on, Gollum was ok... I didnt' like the fact that his accent reminded me of Jar Jar Binks (Jamaican accent). It gave me the nauseating shiver all over again, but gollum played out fairly well and it was good. But throughout gollums entire appearance, I was kept at the edge of my seat fearing "will he begin sounding like Jar Jar". It was uneasy to say the least.

For Fight fans, D&D raves, and Special Effect geeks, this is the perfect combination of all three. Most of the combat scenes were obviously done with Digital Graphics. Wished there were a little more realism there, (like Excalibur) but I guess with the attempt to cinematically make the movie with Epic army proportions, it would have been expensive and difficult proposition.

The movie went a lot faster than the first one, with much less character developement and frugal love scenes. There were constant fighting one scene after the other, which was tied in fairly well with some plot developement.

Good good good, movie set in medieval times!
Smorgasborg of the Rings

Hey, that was a good movie! I liked it quite a better than the first one. Quicker, less confusing (obviously I understand everything from the books, but I felt like this one did a good job of explaining some things in the last movie which would be confusing to a first-timer), Gollum was good, ents were good, fun fight scenes. Gandalf was cool. There are a couple of moments in the first movie which make me cringe (three shots of Sam "drowning," pointlessly argumentative Council scene, confusing Bree scene), and there were no moments like that in this movie. I do think they could have pulled this one a little shorter, buuuut it was good stuff. I was sad that Gimli is the butt of so many jokes though. Lots of differences from the book but I think they were justifiable. Holding back some good stuff for the third book. That's cool.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002


I got a nasty head-cold right now. Sucks. Glad you had a fun camping trip- I went on an Astronomy camping/field trip to Borrego Springs (someplace near where you went) - it was amazing. I really wanna go back there- I'm just kind of afraid of some Deliverance type of shit going down. FUCK THAT. Glad you're back Mike. Alright- back to being sick.

(JOOOON- what the fuck is up with that Flash movie?)

BTW - I got a new email: uh- email to my old one and I'll give u the new one. late

Monday, December 16, 2002

Camping is fun

I went camping with my non-Action Team homiez in the Anzo-Borrego desert on Saturday/Sunday. It wasn't at a campsite, we just turned off the road and drove around until we found a good spot. Matt drove the SUV, and it was the first time I've ever seen, or heard of, a sport utility vehicle being used in the way that they are advertised on TV.

The desert is pretty in a stark way, not the yellow beach-sand kind of desert but the brown, scrubby, mountainous kind of desert, out by the Salton Sea. We sort of expected freezing sleet, but actually it was so warm that I wore a T-shirt most of the night, and Ziskin was in his underwear for 90% of the trip. It got cold and started blowing hard, but only late at night after we'd all retired for the evening. Keeping my doctor's orders in mind I had 10 beers, chips and salsa, Chipotle, s'mores, spam & eggs, coffee, and In n' Out burger over the course of the weekend. I didn't suffer any dyspepsia though. I am beginning to think that it's mainly caffeine which triggers it because I had only 1 cup of coffee the whole weekend and it didn't bother me. But today I had two cups of coffee and a few cups of tea and it started brutalizing me in the afternoon. We took a three-hour hike and climbed up a huge mountain (Jordan and Janice sat this one out). We got sort of lost on the way back, that was cool.

I'm glad Mike is back. Good for hiim! That lousy fuck. I can say that because he'll never read it. I'm down to hang around later this week (got a lot of hanging out with Jordan to do, including seeing Two Towers on Wednesday--I was gonna try to see it with you guys but he got hooked up with tickets at the Bridge, now let the half-assed guilt tripping begin...). It would be fun to try to replicate the exact circumstances under which we saw Fellowship though, that is, with Aaron and Eric and Dave wearing his DON'T CROSS THE NAZIS! shirt. Good times!

Sunday, December 15, 2002

In honor of Mike's return, witness this Brilliance


(DVD version)

"Like Mike" is a great movie that is however phenomenally unconcerned with the experience of being like Michael Anderson. Despite this crippling flaw, it succeeds on a number of levels.

1. The protangonist is Negro-American performancer "Little Bow Whoa," showing that anybody can aspire to be like Michael Anderson.
2. There's this asian chick in it who is wayyy too young now (unesls your'e in Thaoland or something!) but in a few years... PLAY BALL!!

C. There is lots of baseketball in it... but Michael Anderson does not like baseketball, he likes kricket and punting... the message being... YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE LIKE PUNT TO BE LIKE MIKE!
d. The young JONATHAN lipnicki is in it... he is sooo cute in a nerdy way... like a young Harold Moranis!! Someday he will Be a Ghotsbuster!
4. the whole thing takes place in California... Michael Anderson grew up in California (mostly)... KEEPIN IT REAL

Total Grade: A++++
DVD bonus features include: Chapter Search, pause functionality, eject functionality