
Thursday, December 19, 2002

Smorgasborg of the Rings

Hey, that was a good movie! I liked it quite a better than the first one. Quicker, less confusing (obviously I understand everything from the books, but I felt like this one did a good job of explaining some things in the last movie which would be confusing to a first-timer), Gollum was good, ents were good, fun fight scenes. Gandalf was cool. There are a couple of moments in the first movie which make me cringe (three shots of Sam "drowning," pointlessly argumentative Council scene, confusing Bree scene), and there were no moments like that in this movie. I do think they could have pulled this one a little shorter, buuuut it was good stuff. I was sad that Gimli is the butt of so many jokes though. Lots of differences from the book but I think they were justifiable. Holding back some good stuff for the third book. That's cool.