
Saturday, October 12, 2002


Yeah... Do not park there! I think I walked through the best part of the tenderloin ever. As I stood at the corner of an intersection waiting for the light to change I say three police cruisers block off an entire block a few blocks away. Then some guy next to me threw a hyperdermic on the ground as he began to stagger across the street. On the other corner some guy stole some food of off some gritty looking bald lady who began to curse and spit in the guys general direction. I do not think I have ever seen so many shady characters. Moral of the story be careful if you are looking for cheap indian food.

What does MMORPEKR stand for? More Pecker?


I'm sick right now which sucks. and my fucking job don't let me have a day off, so i put *extra* coughes all over everything- HAHA. then they'll get sick and i'll probably have to cover for them. sucks. in good news, i've already sorta joined a clan or grouip or whatever u call it in MMORPEKR for the new Star Wars one. We're going to be basically like an A-Team (not ACTION TEAM) kind of outfit- mercs for hire. Sounds kewl!

Go Angles, Go!

Friday, October 11, 2002

Damn that foul wench

SCREW her man! You don't need that low-rent, skanky ho pullin at your heartstrings and makin you cry.

Aaron! More San Francisco adventures please!! Tell me your stories.

Action Jackson!

Well, my heart is broken, she has not called... the evil wench
Alas poor poor feeble soul, empty without her presence...
I shall be alone,
Nay, nay...
I shall call aaron!
Yah yah!

Sadly, she has not succumbed to my will yet....yet
Buccigross, suck balls

Admittedly Anaheim looks a lot better. They made some good acquistions this summer, but ahead of the Kings? Whatever. He must be mad because I think he picked the Kings as a much better team then they were last year. What ever. Yeah that one by Al Morganti I think was a lot better. Although I tend to agree with Buccigross on the whole Drury thing. I think Pierre is off his ass on that trade. But maybe he knows something we dont...

Yeah I gotta get win 2000 off of you. Windows 98 is acting like a little bitch right now. I guess 2.5 years is about all you can ask of 98 before you need to wipe it clean. Grrrr... Ohhh if you need a copy of SuSE Linux 7.3 Pro I can copy it for you. The pro has some added features and if you are tinkering in the Linux world it may be worth it. Otherwise you can download the personal version I think. The Pro package is huge... It comes on 7 CDs or one DVD. I think I only installed some 20% of the features on mine. I like SuSE, it seems a little more friendly and less, well, coorporate america. Got that German flare I guess.

Yeah I would love to do some PBI action the upcoming weekend. Sounds like JohnnyConLate is too...


Server Hiccup

We are back on track. Either 98 doesn't like to run WinAmp for extended periods, or WinAmp doesn't like being run for extended periods, but it seems to hiccup every so often. I should just throw in 2000 Server or Linux (which I am teaching myself right now, blecch). Either way, we are good to go.

I have PBI on the brain! We must play! Play play play!!!

As far as the Kings being 12th, behind both Chicago and Edmonton, I think, that is just crap. I used to like Buccigross, now he has become jaded since he is no longer fighting for a job, he has one. He is in the position to spout crap and some people will take what he says as gospel. I just don't like that. The Ducks do look much improved though.... scary. And as a sidenote to hocky talk, guru Al Morganti had some interesting things to say about the Kings and the rest of the NHL.... read it sequentially, but pay attention to the last line.....
Server crack smokin'

Eric is your mp3 server smokin' a bowl again? The last 18 hours or so when I try to connect to it the same song (Bad Religion) plays for about one minute and then stops. Eric do your self a favor, when your house is getting fumigated, turn the natural gas on and leave the waterheater on. It is really helpful in making the house a little bit roomier.

Anyway gamin' fun to be had! Yeeeehaaa Jester's dead. Remember that I have a fine evening engagement that saturday (which you are all invited too), so we need to game in the day time on sat and/or some on sunday. Although I do need to visit my Papa some time too.

Well Eric my job hunt has not exactly been rooty tooty fresh and fruity either. Although I may have a temp job starting next week. $15 bucks an hour (Booo!!!) working a......... Help desk, Yeeeeehaaaaa yeha yeha yeha (/me makes boot scraping motion)... Speaking of which, Buccigross rated the kings 12th out of 15 in the western division. Fucker! Anaheim ahead of the kings? Piss on that? I know we may not be number 3 or 4, but come on 12th? The Sharks at 2nd, maybe 5th but 2nd? Ahhhhh.. he is eatin' the magic mushroom on this one.

Go Kings, Go
Fun Fun Fun

Eggscellent. Aaron and I will plan our invasion of hermosa beach on the 25th then. We'll probably storm up the beachhead sometimes during the evening, because I have work until 5ish and my boss doesn't like me storming up beachheads. We probably won't arrive then for another 6 hours which means we'll arrive at around 11 oclock. or 2300 hours. Good Plans.

I'll also bring my new guitar down so we can have a practice jam session. If everyone is available, maybe write a couple of lyrics and little bits (beforehand) and we can test it out. grate. On the subject matter of PBI, If Ryan does indeed join us (coolio), we can get 4 people in the PBI game, Aaron and I would be happy to oblige obliteraing poor poor ryans forces and erics gremlins. All the other fun fun details, To Be Determined.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Lots of Goodness

Shall we begin? The weekend of the 18th I will be in San Diego. The first weekend in november, my house is getting fumigated (we have Gremlins), so unless you want to sleep the sleep of the ages, I would suggest you not come and stay with us that weekend Johnny. Any other weekend would be great for sleeping here and gaming. I have finished the boards and all the miniatures for PBI and have been playing many games since. Ryan has even expressed interest. Hooray. The Kings look good this year, though I still am nervous they won't be able to keep it up all year. No job, one on the horizon with Deloitte Consulting, though its a bit of a longshot; I do have an in with the company (Heather), but Lord knows. Secondary plan is to sub again and GO BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN for a teachers credential/masters combo program. Great. PBI is actually a very simple game. The rules seem long, but they are more unclear and confusing than long. Fortunately I had the pleasure of playing a demo with the creators so I learned from them and just applied the rulebook to that. I would be pretty confused if I just picked up the rules, they are written poorly. Jon, I'll only charge you $20/hr (one hour minimum) for setting up your Mac/PC network over the phone, a check to "Pedericphile Hesse" will be fine. More later I'm sure.

Moe: (in reference to what the name of their new biker gang should be called) How about the Christ Punchers?

Genius, pure smart genius.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Pet Fucking Peeves

You know, I hate people washing my fucking clothes. I absolutely detest it! It fucking bothers me so much! For some reason, I like to wash my own clothes, because I like to use the permanent press cycles and the gentler cyles for nicer clothes and clothes that bleeds. I like my nice shirts and pants taken to the dry cleaners. I know that i'll take nicer care of my clothes. Fucking, if my parents wash my clothes, it comes out as wrinkled faded rags!!! IT IRKS ME SO FUCKING MUCH!! I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm not really loaded, because if I could go shopping for 1000 dollars worth of clothes I'd do it. Then if they destroy my nice clothes, I'll just go out and buy some more.
On the other hand, I hate shopping so it's not all about money. It's also the amount of time invested.

I don't know why I have such a lousy pet peeve. Pet peeves are funny, because even though you realize it's not such a big fucking deal, your brain tells you to make it a Big Fucking Deal. God! I get so pissed off at my parents for their lack of considerateness. It's like FUCKING no privacy, even though I live separately, they come over and wash my clothes!!! FUCK HOW AM I EVER GOING TO GET AWAY!!!? Maybe that's the root of my problem.

Read the Rules for PBI

There are a lot of heckin rules. I'm sure most of it are for occasional instances. Besides the grids being simple, the game itself is pretty complex. Anyhow, I like the Recce, it seems like the process is a little game in itself (like battleship). I still don't fully know the rules yet, but I'm sure I'll get it once we battle test the game. I also like how there are nationality strengths and weaknesses. That adds a good twist and also the defining attackers and defenders. Again, we'll have to see how it plays out.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Star Wars Galaxies MMORFGF

I take to it, which you, have cords of this heard. I had been hearing a little here and there, but I straight went now to the official place of assembly
and examined him out. Sounds to wows, huh!? a bischen coolly! And with the space expansion Jesus H. Chris, I can do many spaceground conclusion of lots important InterNet masturbation time me to present! Aaron lives in the large banana now. HAHA:) Ê