
Friday, October 11, 2002

Server crack smokin'

Eric is your mp3 server smokin' a bowl again? The last 18 hours or so when I try to connect to it the same song (Bad Religion) plays for about one minute and then stops. Eric do your self a favor, when your house is getting fumigated, turn the natural gas on and leave the waterheater on. It is really helpful in making the house a little bit roomier.

Anyway gamin' fun to be had! Yeeeehaaa Jester's dead. Remember that I have a fine evening engagement that saturday (which you are all invited too), so we need to game in the day time on sat and/or some on sunday. Although I do need to visit my Papa some time too.

Well Eric my job hunt has not exactly been rooty tooty fresh and fruity either. Although I may have a temp job starting next week. $15 bucks an hour (Booo!!!) working a......... Help desk, Yeeeeehaaaaa yeha yeha yeha (/me makes boot scraping motion)... Speaking of which, Buccigross rated the kings 12th out of 15 in the western division. Fucker! Anaheim ahead of the kings? Piss on that? I know we may not be number 3 or 4, but come on 12th? The Sharks at 2nd, maybe 5th but 2nd? Ahhhhh.. he is eatin' the magic mushroom on this one.

Go Kings, Go