
Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Hello, Cruel World.

Why must there be so many good games out there? That being said, why must there be so much good stuff out there in general (of course there is so much bad stuff too, but I am being a consumer/optimist right now)? I seriously need a job. Moreover, I seriously need a job that has to do with games. I mean, games are what interest me, and that is about it. Games and hockey games, and music somewhat. And surfing. Mostly games though.

I am sitting here (waiting for a callback from a potential employer...) looking at the WWII rules I bought from Brookblurst thinking, "Man, I would LOVE to play this." Beneath the WWII rules resides the Lord of the Rings Miniatures game rulebook, which is a surprisingly good system for skirmishes. A similar idea to chainmail, very similar, but more streamlined, and a bit less clunky in parts; not a better game, just different. And underneath that are the Mighty Empires rules. To the left of that stack is my painting area for the week as I paint my new Blood Bowl Dwarfs that have been re-released with the game, and behind that painting area is a White Dwarf opened to a some neat paint jobs I am using for inspiration. To the left of my painting area is my Blood Bowl pitch with a game between the Lothlorien Arsenal and the Reikland Reavers X in stasis. Yes, I am playing with myself. Along with all that crap I am thinking about all the cool stuff I have in my closet to play: PBI (what a great game!!), DBA, Battlefleet Gothic, Twilight Imperium, Age of Renaissance, History of the World, Squad Leader, Ban-jo-Man Combat, Formula De, Family Business, Chainmail, D&D, Warhammer, Call of Cthulhu, and the list goes on.

I need to be working in the field of gaming. Seriously. Any ideas?