
Thursday, November 28, 2002

"Your SUV Supports Terrorism"

Thought those of you that despise the occursed SUV would appriciate that piece of graffitti I saw while driving up to Hanta Barbara for (Non)Turkey-Day. I am into an X-Box fest sometime, we just need another X-Box and a TV and some controllers and we will be a go! We could also play some D&D, or some silly Jon Train game (which was a lot of quick fun), some Lord of the Rings, or just blow all our money on Great Lap Dances. I'll be ready to Rock and/or Roll on friday. Anyhoo, have a nice dinner with your family and friends everyone, and make sure you all remember to be thankful for smallpox, fire-water, boomsticks, genocide and slavery, cause without those things, none of us would be here!
