
Tuesday, November 19, 2002


How you been dude? At Jordan's house, eh?

Check it out:


If youre on a PC, the easiest program to get is mIRC (Some dude named Mirco invented it! He was are best friend, rememebr!?)
On a Mac, get either IRCle or MIRKO'S BRAIN!!!1
Yeah- its pretty easy to figure out. Once you got a program installed, you pick a "SERVER" to connect to from a list- for us, its MAGICSTAR.NET, and then it gives a list of channels that all start with # . Type in #theactionteam and it will connect you to it and its like we're all in teh same wordl!

2001- still reading it. Fuckin' awesome! All the pre-Hal shit was really good- the Hal portions are eh- I wasn't too into HAL in the movie either- cool shit!