
Monday, November 25, 2002

Hey all! Three cheers to your review Aaron. It was quite beefy. Anyway, it looks like many of you Action Team members will be here for the weekend. Hooray! I'm going to be around as well. At first it looked like we would go down to Mexico for Thanksgiving, but it looks like those plans have been cancelled. I guess they might change back again, but the likelihood is that I'll be around. So, rock n' roll.

I finished Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance tonight. I am so proud, I guess. Basically it was even more of a chore than the previous one. The game took me about 3.5 hours longer to complete than MGS1 and I'm convinced that the added time was ALL cutscenes. Jeezus. The end of the game goes like this:

1. Fight some robots.
2. Cutscenes (20 minutes)
3. Press Y a bunch of times to escape torture.
4. Cutscenes (30 minutes)
5. Fight a guy with a sword.
6. Cutscenes (20 minutes)
7. FIN.

I HATE CUTSCENES!!! EVERY cutscene in every game is stupid. Bleah!

Wait. the Thief 1 cutscenes were really really good. But they were only like 2-3 minutes long. Yayy Thief!