
Thursday, November 14, 2002

Go Go Gadget DVD player.

I watched the Lord of the Rings Extended version and most of the scenes are pretty descent. Yeah the opening shire portion got longer, but it still is not out of whack with the length of the shire section in the books. They could have done with more between Bree and Rivendell. Ehh.. What are you going to do? The added hobbit fart part... Lame. Could have done without it.

I ran amok at Oracle World for a day. Ehhh.. Nothing too exciting. I guess Database and Database support systems did not tickle my fancy. I did get to see AMD's new processor, the Opteron, in action. Got a few little trinkets. Got me a squeezeble linux penguin. Speaking of which how is Red Hat treating you Elric? I have been using it more and more lately. Still the usual shit bugs me about it. If you want a program, chances are you find that it works only on another distro or you need to download five other dependencies from other sources, only to find a bad link or that it will not run on your distro. The market it is too fragmented yet. Out of the box capabilities for non desktop use is pretty good though.

Car damage? $7800 is the current estimate. D'oh! Stupid crash. This is one of those rare opertunities to actually enjoy insurance. SO far my company has been reasonable. ETA for completion? 11/21. Suck balls. Three cheers for SF public transportation.

Getting up early is pretty good isnt it? I used to hate it, but I have become quite used to it. Gotta get up go to work at 6am. Yeeha...

Saw Taxi Driver for the first time just a few days ago and Vertigo too. Yeah go ahead and tell me I am dumb. Whatever. At least I am trying to get out of the hole or rock I was hiding in. Fuckers. Vertigo was interesting, but, it was more of a showcase of new technology, ideas, and camera work. I can see where a lot of movies made use of ideas. As far as plot or characters... well it was interesting but that is definately not why the movie is considered a great. At least in my opinion. Taxi Driver... That was pretty cool. Chalk up another crazy psychotic DeNiro character, but I guess this was one of his first. Very cool setup and the development of his disconnection from humanity. I really like the subtle music and narrative used throughout the movie. DiNero had some good lines. What was really creepy is that later on I learned that the attemtped assination of Ronald Reagen was very likely inspired by the movie. The man who attempted the assination even had a bad case of obsession for Jodie Foster. Also this seems to be one of those rare movies that really draws a lot of its strength from its prophetic views of society in the future.

Rented Evil Dead recently. Another movie I have not seen... Shut it! I had the damn movie for 7 days and I still managed not to see it. Stupid. I always seemed to find something I had to do until I had no time in the evening left. Returned it out of frustration. Will try later.

My hands smell like garlic.