
Friday, October 18, 2002

Something about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Gen Con

Just picked up Sherlock Holmes: The complete Novels and Stories VOL. I. I have always wanted to read about everyone's favorite crime fighter, and now I can. Terrific for me.

So I'm doing a search over the 'net trying to track down these really terrific books by Games Workshop called Fantasy Miniatures. These were published back in the day when GW was actually a nice company and wasn't hellbent on world domination through oversized axes and silly rulesets... Anyway, these books were just a culmination of some of the best entries to the Golden Demon Awards, which is a painting contest. In the early days, the miniatures didn't have to be GW/Citadel, and many of the best, most creative entries to the "Vignette" category had nothing to do with GW crap... so, yeah, they were great books, I had them both and somewhere along the way they both disappeared, and I want to find them again, so yeah, great story..

ANYWAY, I came across this bit of info while scavenging, it made me happy, though left me with a sense of trepidation as well -- could it be as great as the O.G.? Certainly more convienient and CHEAPER....