
Wednesday, October 16, 2002

More Johnny Cash!!

Yes, the posting has been sucky. All must apologize... I do! However... I'M NOT IN A STRANGE NEW CITY HAVING EXCITING EXPERIENCES WHICH MY FRIENDS ARE INTERESTED IN!!! Not that that's a hint to anybody.

Nice work on the weight loss Rudy! And even with all that beer in the fridge. It's surprising how fast it melts off when you're actually working at it. If you would cut off that foreskin you'd lose another 5 pounds easy. Try not to lose weight too fast though. Weight Watchers, my lord and savior, suggests trying to keep it to about 2 pounds a week (after the first couple weeks in which your body is all, "I'm gonna lose lots of weight really fast").

I'm reading this kinda weird fantasy novel, I'll post a review when I'm done. But I'm 150 pages into it and it's 977 pages long, so it may be a while. I'm excited to get through it though because the next book I'm reading I'm pretty excited about, a book I've heard a lot about called Perdido Street Station. I'll post a review of that too!!!!

I did jury duty today. I'm so easily swayed by pleas to my emotions. After the videos and speeches about the Magna Carta and the Constitution, I was totally fired-up to sit on a jury. However, they ended up calling jurors for two cases, and then the third got cancelled or something, so they sent about 100 of us home. Yay! I'm done for a year.