
Monday, October 28, 2002

I got my diploma and saw Lawrence of Arabia today. HOLY SHIT... do not deny yourself the pleasure of this movie, if you haven't seen it on the big screen yet. It is visually one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen. There isn't even that much dialogue really, it's mostly one amazing visual after another. In the beginning it's mostly desolate desert landscapes, then people and horses, then trains, and then cities... despite the length of the movie you never see the same thing twice, and there's always tons to look at.

Props to Ice Lee and Enron for coming down. Sorry rude for the lack of calling... actually I didn't get to see Aaron much at all. Of course it didn't help that on Saturday (the day he was around) I was sitting in Eric's chair in a borrowed Miller Genuine Draft shirt, without having showered, sleeping off my hangover most of the day. I smelled so bad by five o' clock, it was amazing.