
Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Bro n. Short for brother; a mid 90's substitute for dude - from the SURFIN'ary

1) After these last few posts, Johnny's calculations on how many words per day produced by all the Action Team is going to be all outta whack....
2) I don't condone much of anything that MTV does these days, I've kinda been down on the whole thing since I stopped watching Marc Goodman VJ Tina Turner and Billy Idol videos for JP and I at his house... but anyway, I know this isn't going to be anyone's cup of tea other than mine, but I have to say despite the amount of grief I am about to recieve for this, I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THE JACKASS MOVIE. There I said it. The companion book is fucking funny, too. I have been reading it bit by bit at Borders, which brings me to my next item:
3) I purchased The Ultimate Hitchiker's Guide today. It was super cheap (16 bucks) and you get all the books in one volume and the whole fake leather bound bible/hymnbook look with the guilded edges, ribbon bookmark and everything. Now, if I can only get myself to finally read this shit.... by the way, Sherlock Holmes is boring me to death. It is far too predictable (so far) and not knowing any history behind it, Doyle must have written it for the lower classes because the language is so elementary (my dear Watson) and the stories so linear, it's sad. I'm sure it was good back in the day when everything Holmes did wasn't common cultural knowledge, but whatever.
4) As I prepare myself to journey down the Teaching Credential Path I have started to "study" for one of the required tests already. The test is called the Praxis I, and so far it is like the equivalent of the GED for 5th grade kids. ex. Correct this sentence: Jon and Rudy are looking forward to watch the Jackass Movie. Ugh.
5) Whats going on this weekend with Johnny and Enron?
6) Those are the coolest tanks ever, Rudy. Tell me where to get 'em and I'll be there!
7) Surfing has been GOOD. Due to the wave size, Ryan did not only snap the string that holds the leash to the surfboard, but a sizeable chunk of fiberglass was stripped off his board after dropping in on a monster of a wave. The wave peeled the fiberglass off his board.
8) Mike?