
Monday, September 16, 2002


1) Friday is good for me too, though I am still uninspired and suck at writing songs, I will meditate on Johnny's prose and see what I can come up with.
2) There are few things in this life that I have found to be more funny than the picture of Senor Javier de Ass and his "FAGOT" shirt (see Mr. Mannings previous post), not to mention his more or less irrelevant inclusion in the comic that in and of itself is irrelevant. Senor Javier has found a home on my desktop for many moons to come...
3) I am officially finished with school as of this monday and I can say without a doubt that finding a tech job sux0rz.
4) Che Rudy is no more and I put in a much smoother looking picture of Johnny so that you can send all your potential dates to theactionteam.org and they won't think you are a freak, or at least you won't LOOK like a freak, what you post, that's out of my hands. Anybody else not happy with their picture and want me to change it? Mike?