
Sunday, September 01, 2002

The Two Towers

It's official lads, the Fellowhip has failed. We had a good run over the years, but this weekend stands as a defiant Sauron against my hopes of keeping the Fellowship intact. Mike in England, Aaron in San Francisco (I'm guessing), Johnny near San Francisco, Rudy no longer into it , Jon choosing to work over the convention so that he can depart for Boston, and myself left behind trying to keep it all together. The writing's been on the wall for some time, and I've even been reading it all along, only now I'm feeling its bite: I shall venture forth alone on sunday to the convention for one last, lonely hurrah.

I shall bid farewell to the ghosts of Ham Man, Anecdote Man, The Wall, British Man, Spandex Woman, Hot Shots Cards, The Irish Guy with "my rings", Larry Elmore, Mother Bitch, Chicken Fights, Smelly Man, and The Black Nazi. I shall pay tribute to all those souls that we touched over the years: Rich, Art, Dan, Yukari, Matt, Shawna, Ben, Amber, Bryce, Jason, Zak, Matt, Lizzie, Leslie, Jenny, Paul, Darren, JP, Jordan, Ryan, Chris, Kevin, and Walter. I will sit in open gaming, no matter how spread out it has become and reminisce on such wonderful memories as Blood Bowl Hell, Warhammer Quest, the Craw Wurm vs. the Assassin, Mustangs and Messerschmitts, Norse Campaign, Iron Dragon, Illuminati, Family Business, Dual Masters, Space Marines, "Go Paul", "Chaucer", and the rest. Once more to the dealer room to gaze upon it's fine wares, one last look at the pool, the pizza and the parking passes.

And finally, I shall close the door on a wonderful part of my life and try to move on with the rest of you. Cheers to 12+ years!

NOTE: Added a comments section for anyone foolish to stumble upon our offensive little corner of the web and had something to say about it. Don't post there!
P.S. No, I'm not suicidal about the con, just bummed. Please, no condecending consolations.