
Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Message to Jael

1) While logged into Blogger, go to the "team" icon, click your name, go to the right of the next screen and click "edit", then change your "nickname" entry to "/images/jonny.jpg". Then you will have a picture too!

2) After you have written something to post, click the "Post & Publish" button (the one with the two wee computers), that way, your message will be instantly up to the site, rather than needing to wait for me to publish it.

3) Thanks for the kind words about the con!

Message to the Action Team

So I was tired of sending resumes out and thought I would put my feet up on my desk here and close my eyes for a nice little cat-nap. I get my feet up, but something just isn't right, so I try and move my ass more towards the edge of the chair in a single movement which led directly to me falling backwards in the chair after the rollers for legs slid out from under me. Now, I've taken some physical abuse over the years, be it from waterpolo, hockey, skating, surfing or rough-housing with the lads, and have shirked the damage like it was nothing, until the day I turned 27 and got old.

I landed from my fall on the comfortable backing to my computer chair, and my head hit the soft, plush carpeting of my room, and despite that, I am still in pain. My spine is now all misaligned, my head is pounding, and I can't turn my neck one direction without my spine advising me otherwise by shooting sharp pains up and down my back. And so begins my new life as an old man who no longer heals from his wounds, thereby fulfilling my Action Team role of Hemo: the Hemophiliac.