
Thursday, September 26, 2002

Hooray for Mike Motorbike!

Velkomen, Mike! But onto more important issues!

1) Jon, please change your "nickname" from "/images/jon.jpg" to "jon".
2) Does anyone want an actionteam.org email? We have unlimited accounts just waiting to be used. starkweathermoore@theactionteam.org is taken however, sorry....
3) Friday night is drinking and (bike)driving night in honor of Enron's last night here. I have three bikes, if anyone wants to come along, we need more bikes. Ryan is in, any other takers? And by any other, I mean Rudy cause I know Mike and Johnny will be there in spirit.
4) Rudy, could you send me that PSA again? My Antivirus was on freak-out autodelete any attachments for awhile and I missed it and really want to mix it in the tunes. At least I'll hear it if no one else does.
5) My choice of two cover songs are as follows: a) The Death of John Smith - NOFX, I'll get right on transcribing that one for everyone and b)Science and Myth - The Screaching Weasels, with c) Betty Crocker, Punk Rocker - Furious George, coming in a close third, unless of course I am kidding about the NOFX song....