
Saturday, September 14, 2002

Brother of the Year

So last night me and Jordan went to Ziskin's place on account of we wanted to watch Return of the Jedi on Matt's new secondhand laserdisc player. Matt's parents were out of town. As soon as Kris (Matt's little brother, 18 or so) saw us, he started begging and pleading with us to leave because his girlfriend was coming over. We were in a cock-blocking kind of mood so we said no. He offered us fifty bucks to get out and we laughed at him. Then he offered us a hundred dollars and we stopped laughing. After sweating him for about an hour, we took it and left. I've never shaken anyone down before, it was an interesting experience and I recommend it to everyone.

We spent the money on ice cream, cake, lottery tickets, and Guinness, and we saved the receipt to give to him.