
Monday, September 09, 2002

The Action Team Radio, in full effect!!!!

So, there is now an Action Team Radio Stream coming from my home.... yikes! Hopefully the following things won't happen:

1) H4x0rz won't launch the link and see my IP and try to fuck with it....
2) Adelphia doesn't get pissed that miraculusly my bandwith is super-high when it was nearly zero previously....
3) I get shit for not playing music anyone wants to hear....

It's kinda fun, so I'm hopefully going to get tricky with it in the future. First and foremost is to set it up so that no one can easily snatch my IP while linking to it, and then maybe we can get together and record some promos or some shit and throw that in the mix. I dunno, just some fun stuff.

And Johnny, I'm in for any and all those cons you mentioned on the reviews page, however, for anal/administrator/housecleaning purposes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post general fun discussion stuff here, and full-blown reviews in the reviews section, I will be pleased....

Tell me what you think, problems, requests, etc!