
Monday, September 09, 2002

Action Jackson Radio

Yeah I think the real limitation is not the number of connections your box can pump out but bandwidth. Upstream on cable and ADSL is pretty bad.. I think we only get 384kbs peak on ours and our connection here is really good. That being said we should run a few test to see how many we can run simultaneously without degrading the experience and then set that as the server limit. Even if you were to get continuous perfect 384kbs that only translates to about 9 connections @ 40. Of course we all know that that bandwidth on cable is not consistant and that the stated transfer maximum is usually only a peak value. I can not imagine that the station can sustain more than 5 or 6 connections under good Internet weather @ 40kbs transmission. It is better to have the few connection be quality than too many with degraded quality and lost connections. AM I right in my logic Elric?

A current playlist could be fun, but fairly time intensive... You need to make it pretty low mantainence or it will get the old death by laziness treatment.

BTW I am bitter that I can not find alot of my old Metal CD's... Fuckers Jerks!

Elric, keep up the good work.

Bortz-a-lot, Bortz-a-lot, you gotta like Bortz-a-lot.