
Friday, July 22, 2011

didn't work

Thursday, July 21, 2011

eLzar, yes I will be available that weekend for some gaming and debauchery. Just be forewarned, if any wedding BS comes up, we may need to break away for it. That being said, I will try and steer anything away from that weekend. Also, I like green.

I am up for the time being on a temporary drive. Stupid OCZ is taking their sweet ass time with my RMA. Fuggers. Its been 5 days and they are still poking the ticket around their help desk. Uggg...

jr0n, oh boy, that is some solid fantasy artwork.

Elrick DRZZZZT Hesselhoff: Here's an example of using google+ to do video podcasts:

I'd been reading people saying video podcasts where the "next big thing" but I don't know yet. Audio only is great for the simple fact you can listen to it in the car, gym, etc. But I guess the video technology is getting easier and more powerful where you could easily produce video casts now.

Also, card games, also also, D&D!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When you meet with them you better brain storm that damn card game!!!

SF Gaming, bitches

Saturday the 27th, of August and Sunday the 28th of August I am flying solo as Leslie is taking the boy to LA for a couple of days. That means I will be in SF around noon, ready to drink and game after I drop' em off at the airport. Then I will sleep on someone's floor that night, and in all probability embarrass myself for not being able to handle my beer, followed by some more Sunday gamin!

Who's with me?!?!?!

I don't know why I'm even trying this early notice because it almost works WORSE for scheduling as so much will change between now and then, but I try!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I think they're kinda hot.

change of campaign

I vote we play Champions, characters based on this art:

eLzar and I played Twilight Struggle a couple of times.

After several failed attempts at it on the Vassel engine (for some reason the engine would freeze or loose connection somewhere between the first and second phases of the game). We sat down and played the copy eLzar owns while he was up in SF a few years ago. I really like the dynamics of the game. The cold wars period usually doesn't lend itself easily to board games due to the mostly covert nature of the war, but this game seems to capture it well. Plus the card dynamics are different, along the lines of Kombat Kommander or Up Front, but seem to work well for the game.

I would suggest giving the game a try. Having never played the game before, it was quite a challenge on Vassel as a first time afair due to the somewhat unconventional game mechanics. Might want to play the real deal before going to the electronic version.


Sunday, July 17, 2011


Here's the D&D Dude Makor 4e with instructions. Even if we don't play, it's pretty fun to mess around with it. Linx

Oh, look

Twilight Struggle has a Vassal module if you're serious about playing it on the cheap: Vassal Module

Combine that with the RULES on the GMT site, and we could sorta limp through it sometime? Probably harder to learn this way than having it in your hot little hands, but it is an option. My brain already hurts.

It's also up on wargameroom.com - teach me Johnny! FEED ME SEYMOUR!
Those are both cool links Jael. The Space Hulk one def more than the dude with the Monopoly. I think you'd break the bank trying to recreate a chit and card game like Twilight. I'd just buy it.

I'm super sleepy and work again tonight so no board game group for me. If you meet up with any of those people, let us know what games you played.

I had sent you an invite for G+ to your gmail email Jon, hmm, maybe it went to spam or something? I re-sent one just now so see if it comes in.
Sure, sign me up! I don't have google+ though.
just some inspiration,

We can use foamboard for Gladiatus Maximatus

How to create boardgames

Could probably make a home version of Twilight struggle 8)... heheh

Rudy & Dragoons: Dungeon4Fem 4e

Would you guys be interested in trying a session or two of D&D over the internet? I was thinking of running something simple and quick along the lines of the in-store "encounters" sessions that keeps things under the 2 hour mark. I think maptools has gotten to the point where it's pretty stable and easy to use, and combined with something like google+ hangouts, I don't think it'd be that hard. If a few of you wanna try, I'll give you the character bulder to make a 1st level duder.